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Fachschaft Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik

The term "student council" is generally used for three different situations. Student council can stand for:

  • a specific subset of the students of Aachen
  • the student representatives
  • the room of the student council

A student council as a group of students is generally made up of all students of one or, as in our case, several academic programs.
In our case these are the students of the academic courses:

As their representatives, the students of all these subjects jointly elect the eleven-member student council once a semester. At the General Assembly that takes place every semester, the old student council has to account to you and answer questions about its activities. There you can also write tasks for the new student council in the task list.
In the following 4 days, the new student council is elected, which is then constituted at the first meeting by the election administrator.

In addition to the student council, the AG Klausuren is an elected working group. Its two members make sure that there are always enough exams in the student council and that they are up to date.