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student representatives

As the representative of the students of the student body, the Fachschaftsrat has the task of ensuring that the interests of its students are represented. This is done in discussions and consultations with the other student councils of the university, with professors, the university administration, the scientific staff as well as the technical and administrative employees in our division, faculty and university. Sometimes even the bow is drawn to people outside the university.
These discussions take place in boards and committees, but also informally. The aim is, as already mentioned, to represent your interests and to nip any problems that arise in the bud as far as possible.

Besides that the council also has other tasks:

  • organization of the freshmen week so that our new students get off to a good start in their studies
  • organization of the "Hüttenfeste"
  • the student councils library
  • display of periodicals
  • participation and co-organisation in the Studifest and the enrollment advice service
  • and much more

As you can see, it's not exactly little. Therefore, the Council can only carry out these tasks meaningfully if it is constantly supported by the students of the student council and if they stand behind it.

The coordination of the work of the Fachschaft takes place at the weekly - or in the lecture-free period every two weeks - student council meetings. Every student of our student council can be present and participate in the discussion. Of course only the council has the right to vote. It is especially important that you come along if you see problems. We are not present in every lecture, so it can happen that we overlook something, even though we try not to let it happen. Also, every student present extends the search space where we can look for solutions. The meetings take place every week. When exactly that is, you can find out on the start page. Such a session usually takes about an hour.

Struktur des Fachschaftsrats

Struktur Fachschaftsrat