On <strongATuesday, May 7th. At 11 a.m. in H 218 of the GI, the semi-annual General Assembl< (VV) is coming up again, at which the current council and the AG Klausuren report on their activities and are discharged. There is also breakfast, as is usual for our VV in attendance. You can view the agenda in the protocol system. The applications are attached below.
After that, the elections for the Council and the "AG Klausuren" are imminent again. All preliminary information can be found in the election announcement in the appendix (german). Final information on the course of the election will probably only be available at the GA.
Standing for election works via our administration system "WueStIT". To be listed, go to this link and fill out the form. You will then receive your nomination by email. You do not need to print this out, but please note the ID that is noted on the nomination. A table will be passed around during the VV, on which you enter your ID and then sign it there. If you are unable to attend the VV but still want to stand for election, send your signed nomination to wahlen@fsmuw.rwth-aachen.de.
Attention! If you already have an account with the student council, please log in with it before registering!
If you are not elected, your entries in WueStIT will be deleted after the end of the next election if you do not run again. This means that if you stand for this election, are not elected and do not run for the next election, your data will be deleted as soon as the next election is over. However, should you run again for the next election, the system will still know your name and address. The results of the election are archived for 10 years.