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The ESA-Team of the student council

At the beginning of the study program, every October the freshmen are welcomed at RWTH Aachen University. The activities of the student council are organized and coordinated by the freshman work team (ESA team). The goal is to make it easy to get started with the program and to get to know new students in an easy way.

The team and its tasks

To ensure that freshmen get off to a good start, the ESA-team organizes the activities and publications surrounding the introductory week at the beginning of each year. In addition to active student council members, the team consists of students interested in the freshmen work (ESA).

The tasks of the team are the preparation of the first semester information, the organization of the first semester rally in cooperation with ESA-Team of the other student councils, the implementation and preparation of workshops on various topics as well as the welcoming addresses by the student council and the department.

The events

During the first days at the university, freshmen are introduced to everyday university life in a 4-day program. In addition to all the formalities that need to be taken into account, they will be introduced to the city and given the opportunity to get to know each other in the evenings.

The events include the legendary first semester rally, workshops on various topics, the global introduction and the welcome addresses.
