On Tuesday, 02.11. at 11 o'clock the half-yearly general assembly stands again, on which the current council of its activities is reported and discharged.
Es stehen wieder die Wahlen zum Rat und zur AG Klausuren bevor. Alle vorläufigen Infos entnehmt ihr der Wahlbekanntmachung unten. Endgültige Informationen zum Ablauf der Wahl wird es aber voraussichtlich erst auf der VV geben, wahrscheinlich wird sie aber als Urnenwahl stattfinden. Die Vollversammlung wird hybrid stattfinden, der Präsenzteil findet im H 218 in der Intzestraße 5 statt (Magma-Hörsaal). Zum Präsenzteil wird es Frühstück geben. Hier gelten die in RWTH Gebäuden üblichen Regeln, inklusive die 3G Regeln.
You can also find the template for the election proposal below. If you want to stand for the Student Council or the AG Klausuren, you have to fill it out, sign it and send it to the election officer (tkuenkel@fsmuw.rwth-aachen.de) or fill it out at the Assembly. Nominations must be received by the time the ballot is closed during the Assembly. We would still appreciate it if you would submit your election proposal as early as possible.
The agenda for the GA can be found in the protocol system. This is linked on the start page.
In this you come at the beginning of the VV also on the "Etherpad", in which the protocol is written. Since an attendance list by name is necessary, please enter your name in the protocol above behind "#anwesend;", regardless of whether you participate in presence or digitally. If you join after the meeting has started or leave early, please enter this in parentheses after your name. This is important for voting. Example: Erika Musterfrau (from 10:45 to 11:58).
You will find the access data for the online meeting shortly before the GA at https://www.fsmuw.rwth-aachen.de/veranstaltung/vollversammlung-4/